Greens cheers community win to reduce alcohol harm
The Green Party is today celebrating the passage of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol (Community Participation) Bill. -
Greens welcome Government joining the party to deal with disposable vapes
The Green Party are welcoming the Government’s announcement of regulations to curb youth vaping. -
Greens welcome Government coming to party on reducing alcohol harm
The Green Party are celebrating today’s introduction of the Government’s Sale and Supply of Alcohol (Community Participation) Amendment Bill, effectively adopting Part One of Chlöe Swarbrick’s Harm Minimisation Bill. -
No more Biden time on cannabis decriminalisation
The Green Party is calling on the Government to follow President Joe Biden’s lead and decriminalise cannabis. -
Alcohol action is suicide prevention - MPs must act
Evidence published today showing that acute alcohol use is a factor in more than a quarter of suicides in New Zealand is a shocking wakeup call and politicians must respond, the Green Party says. -
Taxing drug revenue would mean drug reform
If ACT is serious about taxing illicit drug revenue then let’s talk about drug reform, the Green Party says. -
Alcohol harm minimisation bill pulled from biscuit tin
After years of research and advocacy, Parliament will finally consider legislation to take meaningful action on alcohol harm, says the Greens. -
Bin the Misuse of Drugs Act, most New Zealanders agree
A new poll shows that the majority of people back the Greens’ call on the Government to overhaul the country’s criminally punitive, anti-evidence drug law. -
Govt must expand meth rehabilitation programme nationwide
As the Government celebrates the start of Te Ara Oranga in Eastern Bay of Plenty today, the Green Party is calling for the successful drug harm reduction programme to be expanded nationwide.