Prime Minister “doesn’t have a clue” on dairy farm downturn
The Prime Minister’s admission that he “doesn’t have a clue” how many farmers will fail as a result of the dairy downturn shows that the Government is in denial about the scale of the threat facing our wider economy, the Green Party said today. Green Party Co-leader James Shaw asked the Prime Minister several straight questions on the numbers of farmers, small businesses, and rural retailers likely to be impacted by the downturn of the dairy industry and the risks faced... -
Time to reassess Government irrigation spend
The Green Party is supporting calls for a moratorium on big, publicly subsidised irrigation schemes that are bad for the environment and bad for the economy, the Green Party said today. The Tourism Export Council and the Environmental Defence Society have called for a five-year ban on new irrigation in the wake of the collapse of dairy prices internationally. The groups have also said that the growth in intensive farming is a disaster for our rivers and streams. “This is... -
Fonterra payout drop shows holes in Govt strategy
The decision overnight by Fonterra to further reduce its forecast milk price must jolt the National Government to admit its economic direction is not working and commit instead to a major investment in research and development (R&D), the Green Party said today. Fonterra has decided to cut its forecast Farmgate Milk Price for the 2015/16 season from $4.15 per kilogram of milk solids to just $3.90, following lower-than-expected demand from China and Russia, and higher than forecast dairy production in the... -
Government needs to back up Fonterra suppliers and contractors
The Green Party is calling on Government Ministers to step up and defend small businesses in regional New Zealand, in light of accusations small businesses are being bullied by Fonterra. Fonterra has reportedly forced 10-20 percent cuts in supplier and contractor rates and lengthened the time it takes to pay them to 90 days. “The Minister for Small Business, Craig Foss, should be standing up for small businesses and demanding Fonterra pay its bills within the normal timeframe – 30... -
Government deficit highlights policy failures
Government financial statements released today are further evidence that National is failing to manage the economy responsibly for long term stability, the Green Party said. The financial statements for six months to 31 December 2015 showed a deficit of $889 million, $92 million higher than forecast. Core Crown debt grew to $66.9 billion, $1.1 billion higher than forecast. “The latest statements show the National Government is struggling to get its books in order in the short term and in the... -
Green Party welcomes new head of Sustainable Business Council
The Green Party has welcomed the appointment of Abbie Reynolds as Executive Director of the Sustainable Business Council (SBC). “We look forward to working with Abbie Reynolds at the Sustainable Business Council, which plays a vital role in transitioning New Zealand towards a smart, high value, low-carbon economy,” Green Party Co-leader James Shaw said. “Ms Reynolds’ background driving sustainability in the ICT industry bodes well for the development of more high-tech, low-pollution businesses in New Zealand. “We also want to... -
More cracks in Government’s economic façade
More cracks are appearing in the National Government’s façade of economic management, with the Crown accounts back in deficit and international ratings agency Fitch downgrading its predictions for New Zealand’s economy, the Green Party said. “Eight years into National's reign, the Government has slipped back into deficit while net Crown debt continues to grow, because National hasn’t found a stable way to fund its spending choices,” Green Party finance spokesperson Julie Anne Genter said. “The root of National’s economic problems... -
Major disruption in jobs will accelerate growing inequality
The government has a clear role to play to support people through the job losses and disruption of what the World Economic Forum is describing as the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the Green Party said today. The World Economic Forum has predicted that a perfect storm of technological, demographic, and other socio-economic forces will lead to a net loss of over five million jobs over the next four years across 15 major economies. The Future of Work Report 2016 predicts that... -
Climate now ranked as the biggest risk to business
A lack of government leadership on climate change is leaving New Zealand businesses exposed to risks that are now ranked as the biggest facing businesses globally, the Green Party said today. Climate change has been ranked as the number one risk to business over the next decade, a World Economic Forum report has found. The Global Risks Report 2016 ranks the failure of climate change mitigation and adaptation as the top medium term threat ahead of water crises, large-scale involuntary... -
Cheap oil gives the opportunity to start exiting from it
Low oil prices give the Government the perfect opportunity to begin withdrawing its support for oil exploration and risky deep sea oil drilling, the Green Party said today. Oil prices have fallen over the past 18 months, dropping from more than $100 a barrel to just over $30. Some analysts believe prices could sink to as low as $10 this year. “Low oil prices present the perfect opportunity for the Government to start withdrawing its support for oil exploration and...