Greens call for cross-party support on electoral reform
The Green Party is welcoming the draft report of the Independent Electoral Review and challenging all political parties to commit to implementing its final recommendations after the 2023 general election. -
More still to do to get big money out of politics
The Green Party is today welcoming proposals to regulate lobbying but is calling on the Government to do more to get big money out of politics. -
Greens call on every party to improve accessibility
The Green Party is calling on all political parties to commit to stronger representation for disabled people at every level of politics. -
Time to extend the voting age
The Green Party is calling on the Government to take immediate action to lower the voting age to 16. -
Green Party solution better for Māori voters, not deal with National
An agreement between Labour and National misses an historic opportunity to make our democracy more accessible for Māori voters. -
Time for the Electoral Commission to run local elections
Recent media coverage of the challenges facing local body elections, including people not receiving their voting papers and being told incorrectly that they are not eligible to vote, make it abundantly clear that the job of running our democracy should be given to the Electoral Commission. -
Greens will keep fighting to strengthen democracy
The Green Party once again put electoral reform on the political agenda with the first reading of Golriz Ghahraman’s Strengthening Democracy member’s bill - only for it to be voted down by Labour. -
If the Government is going to close one donations loophole, let’s close them all
Closing the New Zealand First Foundation loophole is a good step towards a more transparent political donations regime, but it’s not the only loophole that needs closing, the Green Party says. -
NZ First Foundation loophole must be closed at select committee
The Government must use the opportunity of the Electoral Amendment Bill in Parliament to close the loophole in the political donations regime, the Green Party says. -
Māori voter choice a significant Green win
A strong Green Party voice in Parliament is helping deliver more choice and flexibility for Māori voters.