Protect seamounts and ban bottom trawling right now
The Green Party is renewing its call for Minister for the Environment, David Parker to immediately ban bottom trawling on seamounts. -
Greens welcome Government plan for law change to better protect nature
The Green Party supports Conservation Minister Kiritapu Allan’s announcements today that Government intends to review the Wildlife Act 1953 and progress work on reforming conservation law. -
Phase out PKE as part of climate plan
The Green Party is calling on the Minister of Agriculture, Damien O’Connor to phase out the use of the Palm Kernel Expeller (PKE) on farms to help address the climate crisis. -
Housing legislation needs further changes
The Green Party welcomes changes Parliament’s Environment Select Committee has recommended to Labour and National’s housing legislation but says further improvements need to be made. -
Govt must start phase out of synthetic nitrogen fertiliser
Responding to new research showing the link between cancer and nitrates in drinking water, the Green Party is calling on the Government to immediately start phasing out the use of synthetic nitrogen fertiliser. -
No time for half measures - ban import of palm oil by-products
The Government should take urgent action to ban imports of Palm Kernel Expeller and Palm Kernel Meal, the Green Party says. -
Make it a shore thing – Bird of the Year 2021
The Green Party is calling on people to go dotty for dotterel and vote for the New Zealand Dotterel/Tūturiwhatu as Bird of the Year 2021. -
Waste strategy needs to learn from nature
Anything less than a transformational national waste strategy and waste legislation will not be enough, the Green Party said today. -
RMA reform must ensure a healthy environment and community wellbeing
The Green Party welcomes the release of the first draft of part of new legislation to replace the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA), and urges the Labour Government to take this once in a generation opportunity to be ambitious in its reform. -
Greens welcome progress on hard to recycle and single use plastics, but more needs to be done
The Green Party welcomes progress on the phase-out of some hard to recycle plastics and some single-use plastics, but says more must be done.