Green Party opposes RMA fast-track bill that cut corners on environmental safeguards and public consultation
The Green Party has opposed the COVID-19 Recovery Fast-track Consenting Bill which shortcuts normal consenting processes under the Resource Management Act (RMA), reduces public participation and narrows environmental considerations. -
New protection for dolphins and support for changes to fishing methods
Extensive new protections are being put in place as part of an updated plan to look after New Zealand’s native Hector’s and Māui dolphins, announced Minister of Fisheries Stuart Nash and Minister of Conservation Eugenie Sage today. -
Strongest ever water reforms mean swimmable rivers within a generation
The Green Party says major freshwater reforms announced today provide the strongest ever protections of our waterways, to help ensure the next generation can swim in the rivers of Aotearoa. -
Budget 2020: Huge investment in green nature based jobs jump starts sustainable COVID recovery
The Green Party says the $1.1 billion environmental investment in this year’s budget to create thousands of green jobs will help jump start a sustainable recovery from the COVID crisis. -
Reducing waste and creating jobs - Minister announces 2020 Waste Minimisation Fund applications open, focus on COVID-19 recovery
Creating jobs in the vital waste reduction sector is the focus of the latest application round for the Waste Minimisation Fund, which opens today. -
COVID-19 recovery: Greens call for investment in people and nature
As Aotearoa starts focusing on the economic recovery from COVID-19 the Green Party is calling for an economic stimulus package fit for the 21st century that puts people, climate, and nature first with significant investment in nature based jobs. -
Environmental Protection Policy
We will implement holistic, enduring solutions for restoring and protecting the unique biodiversity and ecosystems in Aotearoa New Zealand. This policy document outlines these solutions through a lens of Ngā Atua - the gods. Vision All aspects of te taiao - the natural world - are protected and regenerated so they can thrive for all time. Through the actions envisioned by Matike Mai, all whānau, hapū and iwi will have their tino rangatiratanga implemented under Article II of Te Tiriti... -
Marine Policy
Making use of our greatest ally, Te Ao Tūroa, the long-standing natural world, through active kaitiakitanga practice and precautionary, adaptive, integrated stewardship is essential in caring for all coastal and aquatic ecosystems. Doing all we can to support a naturally-regenerating ocean is essential for its health, for all that it gives us, and for the fundamental role it has in enabling climate stability. The Green Party will promote Te Tiriti-based governance of the seas of Aotearoa New Zealand that works... -
Mining Policy
Mining is inherently harmful to ecosystems, including at sea where extraction can have considerable negative impact on marine communities. We need a regulatory framework to ensure these harms are avoided and mitigated; and remedied where they have occurred. To transition to a sustainable, just, circular economy, and reduce the devastating outcomes of the climate crisis, we must rapidly end the extraction of oil, gas, and coal. Vision Mining only occurs where it is essential for upholding environmental, social and cultural... -
One step closer to Predator Free 2050
Launching the Predator Free 2050 Strategy - ‘Towards a Predator Free New Zealand is a major step forward to save thousands of threatened native species and give nature a helping hand, Minister of Conservation Eugenie Sage said this morning.