Green Party supports Budget 2021 which will help those in poverty
The Green Party supports the 2021 Budget which increases income support for New Zealanders living in poverty, and we’ll continue to push for a long term commitment to lift all New Zealanders out of poverty. -
Green Party welcomes KiwiSaver fossil fuel and illegal weapons exclusion
The Green Party is welcoming the changes to KiwiSaver implemented today by the Government that require default providers to exclude investments in fossil fuel production and illegal weapons. -
Greens welcome protections for Kiwis’ savings
The Green Party is welcoming the Government’s announcement that bank deposits up to $100,000 will be protected under new rules. -
Housing plan a start, but much more needed to meet the scale of the crisis
The Government’s housing announcement is a very small start but it doesn’t go far enough to genuinely meet the scale of the crisis. -
Greens announce 4 point plan to stop runaway housing crisis
The Green Party is calling for bold, transformational measures to stop the accelerating housing crisis that is locking New Zealanders out of a stable home. -
Tax data exposes gross inequity between the wealthiest and poorest New Zealanders
Government data today shows that the wealthiest New Zealanders aren’t paying their fair share of tax, whilst everyone else chips in, Green Party spokesperson on Finance Julie Anne Genter said today. -
Economic windfall should be funnelled straight back into communities: Green Party
Following an economic forecast that shows Aotearoa strongly rebounding from COVID-19, and Crown accounts looking much healthier than expected, the Government should seriously consider taking the lead on economic stimulus and provide cash injection that will help keep New Zealanders afloat. -
Green Party to abstain from tax changes that will worsen house crisis in absence of tax on assets
The Green Party will abstain from a bill that will make slight changes to income tax brackets. -
Green Party welcome Adrian Orr’s full and frank advice on tax
We welcome Adrian Orr signalling that he will provide advice to the Finance Minister on fiscal measures, include tax changes, to cool the housing market, Green Party Finance spokesperson Julie Anne Genter said today. -
Green Party respond to Government review of housing settings
It is a positive step that the Government is looking at options to take the heat out of the housing market, and has written to the Reserve Bank to that effect, but they must be open to using all the tools available to them, Green Party Co-leader and spokesperson on Housing Marama Davidson said today.