It’s time for Google and Facebook to pitch in like the rest of us
The Green Party welcome moves to make huge multinational companies like Facebook and Google pay their fair share of tax in New Zealand. -
Green Party backs MP pay freeze
The Green Party backs the Government’s decision to freeze MPs’ pay for the next year and welcomes a review that will investigate changes down the track to ensure pay increases are in line with increases other working New Zealanders receive. “The Green Party has long called for fairer pay settings for MPs so pay changes match what is happening with workers’ pay,” Green Party Co-leader Marama Davidson said. “MPs are paid well above the average worker, so giving them a... -
Greenest budget in living memory delivers for environment
The Green Party has secured a historic suite of budget wins valued at $618 million that prioritises protecting nature and backing the transition to a green economy. The budget package comes in addition to funds already going towards green public transport projects valued at up to $13.5 billon, including light rail from the Auckland CBD to the airport and a new billion dollar fund for safe cycle and walkways in the Government GPS. “This is the greenest budget in living... -
Greens launch independently costed policy manifesto
The Green Party today published its fully costed policy manifesto along with an independent analysis of its fiscal implications. The independent fiscal analysis, by economics consultancy Infometrics using Treasury data, shows that in government the Greens will be able to deliver real action on climate change, cleaner rivers, and significant poverty reductions while running surpluses and paying down debt, as per the party’s Budget Responsibility Rules. “This fiscal plan ties together everything we’ve promised this year and provides the substance... -
Shaw to Peters: show us your fiscal plan before attacking Labour’s
Winston Peters needs to show us how he plans to pay for his $10 billion of recent election promises before he attacks Labour on their fully-costed plan, the Green Party said today. Winston Peters set out another new condition of going into government with Labour this morning, saying that Labour must tell him what its tax plans are. “Winston Peters needs to explain what new taxes he plans to raise to pay for his $10 billion of election promises before... -
Bigger surplus means we can end poverty, clean up our rivers, and tackle climate change
A bigger surplus will allow a new government to manage the economy responsibly while making the changes people know are needed, like lifting kids out of poverty, cleaning up our rivers, solving the housing crisis, and tackling climate change, the Green Party said today. The Pre-Election Fiscal Update (PREFU) released today shows stronger growth in the short term, resulting in a higher than forecast surplus for the government this year by $2.1 billion. However, forecast productivity growth remains weak and... -
Greens will finally close property speculators' tax loophole
The Green Party in government will end the tax advantages property speculators currently enjoy under National by implementing a comprehensive tax on capital gains, the Green Party said today. The Green Party is the only political party to have consistently called for a comprehensive capital gains tax (excluding the family home) for more than 15 years. The IMF, OECD, and the Government’s own Savings Working Group have called for a tax on capital gains. National’s 2009 Tax Working Group found... -
Super Fund divestment shifts the ground overnight on carbon risks
The Green Party welcomes today’s announcement that the New Zealand Superannuation Fund has dumped $950 million of high-risk fossil fuel investments, despite a National Government that is still backing oil and coal. The $35 billion New Zealand Superannuation Fund announced today that it has sold off $950 million of companies with high exposure to carbon emissions and fossil fuel reserves due to the significant long-term risks they present to investors. The selloff includes New Zealand companies Genesis Energy and NZ... -
Policy Costings Unit
New Zealanders deserve more transparency from their politicians so they can better engage in the political system. Having party policies independently costed will help to cut through the noise of political party promises and deliver New Zealanders unbiased information. The PCU would be an independent unit within the Treasury and be available to all parliamentary parties. Further details of the Policy Costings Unit (PCU): The PCU will function within the Treasury and will run like all other divisions within Treasury.... -
OECD highlights need to green New Zealand’s economy
The OECD’s 2017 Economic Survey of the New Zealand has highlighted a significant need to green New Zealand’s economy if we want to sustain our current growth into the future, the Green Party said today. The OECD found that short-term growth was being driven by tourism, migration, and construction activity, however the longer term was being undermined by our low productivity, the pollution of water from farming and urbanisation, and high and growing greenhouse gas emissions. “Securing New Zealand’s long-term...