All migrant workers deserve pathways to residency
The Green Party welcomes the broadening of the number of professions who are part of the Green List and Straight to Residency Pathway, and calls on the Government to do more for the workers who are currently without any pathways to residency. -
Immigration changes a Green win
The Green Party is welcoming changes to the immigration system, but calls on the Government to offer equitable pathways to residency for workers not covered by today’s announcement. -
Govt must grant visa waivers to all Pacific countries
The Green Party is once again calling on the Government to grant visa waivers to all Pacific countries. -
Govt must extend Samoa visa changes to all Pacific countries
Thanks to Green Party pressure, visitors from Samoa can soon travel to Aotearoa without a visa – a right that should be extended to every Pacific country. -
Govt continuing to prioritise high income earners in immigration system
The resumption today of the parent visa category needs to be followed by an end to the Government’s unfair salary based family reunification policy. -
Unacceptable immigration policy makes income a barrier to families being together
It is unacceptable for the Government to prioritise family reunification for high income earners, while forcing those on lower incomes to stay apart, the Green Party says. -
Immigration rules must focus on workers’ rights, not just cater to businesses’ needs
The Green Party welcomes the Government’s decision to remove specific qualification requirements to enable more skilled chefs to come to Aotearoa, and calls for more action to improve working conditions for everyone who works in hospitality. -
Govt’s migrant worker plan an ambulance at the bottom of the cliff
Once again the Government has stopped short of making necessary changes that will end the exploitation of people who travel to Aotearoa to work. -
RSE expansion stops short of what’s needed
Today’s expansion of the Recognised Seasonal Employer Scheme (RSE) fails to guarantee Pacific people traveling to Aotearoa for work a warm place to live, safe working conditions, and good pay. -
Cabinet Ministers knew visa changes could increase family violence
Damning evidence released today shows that Cabinet was warned about an increase in the risk of domestic violence as a result of changes to the working rights of partners of temporary visa holders.