Green MPs back calls for work to stop immediately in Pūtiki Bay following unnecessary police presence
Green MPs Dr Elizabeth Kerekere and Chlöe Swarbrick strongly support the calls by Ngāti Paoa for Auckland Council to immediately step in to stop works happening in Pūtiki Bay/Kennedy Point today. -
Dr Elizabeth Kerekere receives her COVID-19 vaccination
Today, Green Party MP Dr Elizabeth Kerekere received her COVID-19 vaccination from Tamaiti Whāngai COVID-19 vaccination centre, which had its official opening yesterday. -
The Green Party’s Te Mātāwaka welcomes the Wellbeing Budget 2021
Whakarongo ki te tangi a te manu o te taiao Nāna te tangi kia tuituia tatou ki te ao marama Tuia ki runga Tuia ki raro Tuia ki roto Tuia ki waho Tuia te here tangata Ka rongo te pō, ka rongo te ao Te hono a wairua Whakaputa ki Te Whaiao Ki te ao Mārama Tihei Māuri ora! Today the Green Party’s Te Mātāwaka (Māori and Pasifika) caucus supported the 2021 Budget, acknowledging the investment in Māori health,... -
Our tamariki Maōri should not suffer any more: Greens
The Green Party welcomes the Waitangi Tribunal report that recognises mulitple breaches of Te Tiriti o Waitangi by the Crown. -
The Greens welcome whānau centred initiatives for Prisons
Today the Government announced a new whānau-centred Māori pathways programme in the Hawke’s Bay Regional Prison. -
Greens will embed tikanga Māori into rewrite of social security legislation
The Green Party is putting a Member’s Bill into the ballot today which will be a significant step towards overhauling the Social Security Act by embedding a tikanga Māori framework into the welfare system. -
Systemic racism rooted in Māori victimisation report
The Ministry of Justice Māori victimisation report, released today, reinforces what we already know about the impact of systemic racism in Aotearoa and that urgent action is needed. -
RocketLab failing to properly consult with Hapū: Greens meet with ngā uri o Rongomaiwahine
Sunday 28th March, 70 Rongomaiwahine descendants welcomed members of the Green Party’s Māori Caucus, Te Mātāwaka, Dr Elizabeth Kerekere and Teanau Tuiono, to discuss concerns about RocketLab’s operations on the Mahia Peninsula. -
Kāinga Ora borrowing ability should be increased, while ensuring a Te Tiriti o Waitangi based, community-focused approach
The new homes enabled through additional borrowing capacity for Kāinga Ora announced by Government today must have a Te Tiriti o Waitangi lens, having Māori take the lead in developing homes. -
Seaweek: Green Party calls on New Zealanders to make submissions supporting Waiheke Rāhui to protect declining kaimoana
The Green Party supports the Rāhui placed around Waiheke Island by Ngāti Pāoa to protect declining kaimoana and as part of Seaweek, is asking New Zealanders to make submissions to the Ministry of Primary Industries consultation