Surveillance Bill review should strengthen rights, not erode them
The review of the Search and Surveillance Act should be focused on strengthening Kiwis’ rights, not extending dodgy surveillance powers, the Green Party said today. This afternoon National announced the terms for the mandatory review of the Search and Surveillance Act by the Ministry of Justice and the Law Commission, which will report back to the Government on whether the law is fit for purpose. The Act gave Police and a laundry list of other agencies power to covertly record... -
Another IGIS investigation finds more dodgy SIS practices
The Green Party is concerned that another report into actions of the spy agencies show them acting outside their own policies. -
Key’s evasiveness on ‘jihadi brides’ shows duplicity
John Key has many questions to answer at his post cabinet meeting today, after refusing this morning to provide key information to back up his claims about ‘jihadi brides”, the Green Party said today. -
PM knew truth about kiwi brides for six months
The Green Party can reveal that John Key has known since May 2015 that no women left New Zealand to go to the Middle East as so called “jihadi brides”, making the damage he inflicted on Islamic women even more calculating. The Prime Minster has confirmed to the Green Party that he knew on May 25 -- six months prior to first introducing the notion of Kiwi Jihadi brides at a December select committee hearing last year -- that no... -
John Key knew NZ ‘jihadi brides’ claim to be false
The Prime Minister deliberately misled the New Zealand public into believing women had left New Zealand to join terrorist groups and become what he described as “jihadi Brides”, the Green Party says. -
Case for expanded spy powers not made
The Green Party absolutely stands against any expansion of the powers of the spy agencies to intrude on the private lives of ordinary New Zealanders. -
Spy law change needs support of ALL political parties
The Government should seek the support of all political parties if it is to change any laws following the first regular review of New Zealand’s security and intelligence agencies, said the Green Party today.