Greens urge Govt to prioritise voices of residents in review
The Green Party is welcoming a review announced today of the Retirement Villages Act, and is urging the Government to make sure voices and rights of residents are emphasised more than industry. -
Green Party calls for safer staffing levels in aged care
The Green Party is calling for urgent government action to ensure safe staffing levels in aged residential care facilities, as a new report today shows a strained workforce is under increasing pressure. -
Government must address council housing rent gap
The Green Party has launched an open letter calling on the Minister of Housing to extend the Income Related Rent Subsidy to council housing tenants so no one is having to choose between heating their home, eating, or paying rent. -
Joint Aged Care Report
This was a joint report from the Green Party and Labour Party, following on from original work in 2010. It has informed our work in Government this term. -
Labour, Greens and Grey Power investigation into aged care continues in Auckland
A joint investigation into aged care has revealed serious concerns with the quality of aged-care facilities and access to home care services across the country, the Green Party and Labour said today. Labour and the Green Party have joined with Grey Power to investigate aged care in New Zealand, revisiting the 2010 review which saw 20 nationwide meetings with over 1200 people involved. The current tour has already visited Rotorua, Golden Bay, Nelson and Levin, and will continue in Kelston,... -
Labour, Greens and Grey Power investigation into aged care starts tomorrow
Labour and the Green Party are joining with Grey Power to investigate the state of aged care in New Zealand, and will be touring the country to hear from patients, professionals and families over the next two months. “All New Zealanders deserve a high standard of medical care, and it’s clear that for many older people in rest homes or residential facilities, those standards still aren’t being met”, said Labour health spokesperson Annette King. “This tour will revisit the 2010...