Family violence overhaul desperately needed
The Government’s small steps on family violence announced today are a move in the right direction, but more needs to be done, the Green Party said today. “The Government has taken some important steps today, but there is still a lot that needs to be done to end domestic violence in Aotearoa New Zealand,” Green Party women’s spokesperson Jan Logie said. “There are a couple of critically important issues that we would’ve liked the Government to address today. “The Government... -
Pressure building for inquiry into state abuse
A Waitangi Tribunal claim filed today calling for an inquiry into the treatment of Māori children in state care is a further sign that pressure is building on the Government to reconsider its stance on the issue, the Green Party said today. “It seems everyone but the Government realises that an inquiry is essential to help the victims find some sense of closure, and to ensure that tamariki Māori in state care now and in the future are protected from... -
Pressure building for inquiry into state abuse
A Waitangi Tribunal claim filed today calling for an inquiry into the treatment of Māori children in state care is a further sign that pressure is building on the Government to reconsider its stance on the issue, the Green Party said today. “It seems everyone but the Government realises that an inquiry is essential to help the victims find some sense of closure, and to ensure that tamariki Māori in state care now and in the future are protected from... -
A win for women
Unanimous support for Jan Logie’s bill to protect victims of domestic violence is a win for women on International Women’s Day, the Green Party said today. Jan Logie’s bill, the Domestic Violence Victims' Protection Bill, will give victims 10 days' paid leave to help them move house, attend court hearings and consult with lawyers. The Bill was passed to Select Committee stage this evening. “I am delighted that every MP at Parliament supported domestic violence victims today,” Green Party women’s spokesperson... -
Women's Day should mean equal pay
The Green Party is calling on the Government to do something meaningful for the women of New Zealand this International Women’s Day, by picking up a Member’s Bill on pay transparency that’s currently in the ballot. -
We have a Bill to solve her problem
Paula Bennett’s first speech as Minister for Women was underwhelming and will not change things for New Zealand women, the Green Party said today. -
Govt action needed if mums are to be paid more
Working mothers are still being underpaid in New Zealand and will continue to be until we have a government that’s willing to take decisive action on gender pay equity, the Green Party said today. Statistics New Zealand released new figures today which show that the pay gap between mothers and fathers in New Zealand is 17 percent. “Women have been underpaid for far too long, and we need a strong government that prioritises women getting a fair deal,” Green Party... -
Social bonds not the answer
The Government’s social bond plan to allow foreign companies to profit off mentally ill New Zealanders will put already vulnerable people at further risk, the Green Party said today. The National Government today announced that the first social bond to get people with mental illness into work has been launched. “Social bonds are a continuation of the Government’s attempt to privatise public services, which will always see the most vulnerable left out and National’s mates better off,” said Green Party... -
Greens support call for inquiry into state care
The Green Party backs today’s open letter from the Human Rights Commission and others calling for a government inquiry into the abuse of children in state care, and for a formal apology to be made to the victims. “There is a growing list of organisations and people who are calling for a government inquiry into the abuse of children in the state’s care. It seems everyone but the Government realises that an inquiry and a formal apology are essential to... -
Govt should delay introduction of second CYF Bill
The Green Party is supporting the Māori Women’s Welfare League’s call for the Minister for Social Development, Anne Tolley, to delay the introduction of the second CYF reform Bill, which will see more Māori children removed from their family and wider whānau.