Clean, green transport turbo charged
The Green Party is celebrating today’s $16.9 billion transport announcement which delivers a record breaking level of investment in sustainable, green transport. “For the last ten years, modern public transport, walking and cycling and road safety have taken a back seat to costly motorway projects,” said Green Party Co-leader Marama Davidson. “Today, with the Greens in Government, we’re seeing the largest ever investment in sustainable transport, with $4.2 billion to be invested across public transport, metro rail, and walking and... -
Greens welcome record investment in sustainable transport
The Green Party is heralding today’s transport announcement as the start of a new era of investment in sustainable transport in our towns and cities. The Government released the final Government Policy Statement on land transport funding today. It allocates up to $1.1 billion for new walking and cycling projects, up to $4.8 billion for rapid transit, and up to $8 billion for public transport over the next decade. “The Greens campaigned on shifting transport funding away from... -
Auckland transport plan a huge win for commuters, buses, trains and bikes
The Green Party is heralding today’s transport announcement in Auckland as a game changer that will deliver on some of the core commitments of the party’s confidence and supply agreement. -
Road safety needs to be a higher priority for next govt
Official advice released to the Green Party under the Official Information Act shows that the previous National Government dismissed an option to make road safety its most important transport priority after being told the road toll was rising. Ministry of Transport officials proposed making ‘road safety’ the highest strategic priority for the 2018 Transport Strategy, saying it would increase safety benefits (i.e. by saving lives and reducing serious injuries) by 17 percent.1 However, National chose ‘economic growth and productivity’ as... -
Rising road toll requires commitment to Vision Zero road safety plan
The next government needs to commit to a goal of zero harm on our roads to address the rapidly rising numbers of people being killed on them, the Green Party said today. -
Collins must release new report on pipeline vulnerability
Judith Collins should release a new report, that had been due to come out this week, showing what the Government knew about the vulnerability of the fuel pipeline into Auckland, the Green Party said today. RNZ reported this morning that a Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment report highlighting the fuel pipeline’s vulnerability was due out this week, but has not been published because of the rupture. Collins said she hadn’t seen the draft report. “With the election looming, New... -
Fuel shortage highlights need for better public transport
Decades of underinvestment in Auckland’s public transport and minimal uptake of electric vehicles under National are being highlighted by the looming petrol shortage, the Green Party said today. “If more Aucklanders had access to reliable trains, buses, safe cycle routes or an electric car, this temporary disruption to petrol supplies wouldn’t be such a big deal for commuters,” said Green Party transport spokesperson Julie Anne Genter. “The fact is, many Aucklanders still don’t have access to fast, reliable public transport... -
Greens back Nelson’s Rocks Road cycleway
Green Party co-leader James Shaw announced today his party’s commitment to funding the Rocks Road Cycleway in Nelson. The Green Party has committed $23 million to fund the project, which involves creating a three-metre shared path on the seaward side of Rocks road, widening on-road cycle lanes, and a new cycleway from Tahunanui Beach to Annesbrook. “This project has the potential to transform Nelson’s waterfront, by making Rocks Road a safe and inviting place for people to walk or cycle,”... -
Greens announce new Christchurch rapid public transport and $1 billion for nationwide cycling projects
The Green Party today announced a $418 million transport plan for greater Christchurch focused on creating a new network of rapid public transport lines, a city-wide bike share scheme, and safe cycling infrastructure. It accompanies a commitment to invest over $1 billion nationwide over ten years to complete cycling networks in our towns and cities, especially around schools. The Green Party’s plan for Christchurch includes a commitment to fast-track three new rapid transit lines by 2022, including: An Airport Line... -
Greens commit to rebuilding Napier-Gisborne rail line
The Green Party in Government will revitalise rail across the country, including repairing the Napier-Gisborne line. The announcement came today in Gisborne from two Green MPs, transport spokesperson Julie Anne Genter and local candidate Gareth Hughes. “National has let regional rail lines rust away but the Greens in government will restore rail as the backbone of New Zealand’s transport system, for freight and for people,” said Green Party transport spokesperson Julie Anne Genter. “There are huge benefits to moving more...