Christchurch needs more than just the new Bus Exchange
Christchurch deserves a co-ordinated transport agency with a region-wide plan, not just the new Bus Exchange that Transport Minister Gerry Brownlee is visiting today, said the Green Party. “The National Government is tinkering around the edges when it comes to public transport, but what we need is a coordinated regional transport agency that’s able to make smart planning decisions for all the people who live and work in Canterbury,” Green Party Christchurch spokesperson Eugenie Sage said. “The new Bus Exchange... -
High Court Basin flyover decision the right one
The Green Party is delighted the Basin Reserve flyover will not be going ahead after a ruling by the High Court today. “The Green Party is very happy with the decision by the High Court today dismissing the appeal over the Basin Reserve flyover,” said Green Party transport spokesperson Julie Anne Genter. “The New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) should not have taken the decision to court in the first place after the Environmental Protection Agency made a rational transport decision.... -
Greens to build three times more cycleways than National
"The Green Party will build three times the length of safe, separated cycleways than National over the next three years," said Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman today. Dr Russel Norman joined Wellington Mayor Celia Wade-Brown to cycle the route of one of the new, planned cycleways connecting Island Bay to Wellington's city centre. "We've been waiting too long for National to build safe, separated cycleways to ensure New Zealanders can cycle safely around our towns and cities," Dr Norman...