Greens on board with more affordable buses and trains
The Green Party is fully on board with free bus and train travel for under 12s and half price travel for under 25s - next stop, free travel for all under 18s, students, and apprentices. -
Government needs to broaden KiwiRail inquiry focus
The Green Party is calling on the Government to broaden the focus of its inquiry into KiwiRail, after widespread disruption in Auckland. -
Lower North Island rail on the right track, but more investment needed
Government investment in a new fleet of trains in the lower North Island is another win for Green Party solutions - but much more ambition will be needed to build a truly climate-friendly network of intercity passenger services across Aotearoa. -
Waitematā Harbour crossing options not good enough
Rapid transit for the Waitematā Harbour crossing must be the priority - not more car lanes that will make congestion and climate change worse. -
Greens secure win for clean transport
The Green Party has made it easier for commuters to access e-bikes thanks to an amendment to tax rules. -
Another Green transport idea gets the green light
The Government’s announcement today that it will improve Christchurch’s bus system comes after Green and NGO pressure. -
Climate action must remain priority in transport investment
As large parts of Aotearoa recover from two of the worst climate disasters we have ever experienced, it would be a huge mistake for the Government to deprioritise climate action from future transport investments, the Green Party says. -
Scrapping biofuels means Government must do better for people and climate
The Green Party supports the decision to stop work on the biofuels mandate. -
Make fares half price for everyone, for good
The Green Party will continue to prioritise affordable public transport for everyone. -
Next Waitematā Harbour crossing must be climate-friendly
The Minister for Transport can show climate leadership and consider only the lowest carbon ways of crossing Waitematā harbour.