Green Party launches petition for publicly-owned public transport
The Green Party is launching a petition calling on the Government to remove legislative barriers to public ownership of our public transport depots, vehicles and services. -
Govt to rev up reductions in transport emissions
The Government is calling for feedback on a range of potential policies to eliminate emissions in the transport sector. Transport Minister Michael Wood today released Hīkina te Kohupara – Kia mauri ora ai te iwi - Transport Emissions: Pathways to Net Zero by 2050, a Ministry of Transport report outlining potential policies and pathways to a net zero emission transport sector. -
Auckland light rail back on track, Greens welcome engagement with community
The Green Party is welcoming the announcement today by the Minister of Transport that Auckland light rail is getting back on track. -
Greens call for walking and cycling priority for Auckland Harbour Bridge
The Green Party is calling for active transport access across the Auckland Harbour Bridge to be a priority as the future of the SkyPath remains uncertain. -
Green Party delivers on reducing transport emissions
The Green Party is already delivering on its commitment for cleaner, climate-friendly transport through our Cooperation Agreement with the Government. -
Greens announce bold transport plan for Auckland to tackle climate change and congestion
The Green Party has today outlined a major transport plan for Auckland including new investments in light rail, busways, an expansion of regional rail services, and quick improvements to buses. -
Greens announce bold transport plan for Wellington to tackle climate change and congestion
The Green Party has today outlined a major transport plan for Wellington including investments in light rail, an expansion of regional passenger rail, and fast-tracking improvements to buses. -
Greens announce bold transport plan for Christchurch to tackle climate change and congestion
The Green Party has today outlined a major transport plan for Christchurch including new investments in commuter rail, a high frequency bus service to the airport, and cycleways. -
Greens announce bold plan to ensure NZ transport tackles climate change
The Green Party will transform how New Zealanders get around to address the climate crisis, with a comprehensive climate-focused transport package.