New evidence boosts case for urgent pay transparency reform
The Green Party is calling on the Government to pass legislation to increase pay transparency, saying it is an urgent step that needs to be taken in response to shocking new evidence that most of the pay gap for Pacific, Māori, and other ethnic minorities cannot be explained. -
Green Party calls for safer staffing levels in aged care
The Green Party is calling for urgent government action to ensure safe staffing levels in aged residential care facilities, as a new report today shows a strained workforce is under increasing pressure. -
Greens back calls for mandatory pay gap reporting
The Green Party backs the unions and community groups and Human Rights Commission calling for an urgent change in legislation to make pay gap reporting mandatory. -
Support workers deserve better pay
Care and support workers deserve much better than the pay rates Labour is pushing through Parliament today. -
Green Party supports nurses’ ERA decision
The Green Party supports nurses’ continued push for pay equity and calls on the Government to deliver the back pay they had expected. -
Allied health workers deserve better conditions
The Green Party is throwing its support behind the 10,000 allied health workers taking work-to-rule industrial action today because of unfair pay and working conditions. -
Fair Pay Agreements will give workers more hope for a fairer system
The Green Party welcomes the introduction of the Fair Pay Agreements Bill. -
Liveable incomes needed to lift COVID burden
The Green Party is calling on the Government to boost support directly to people so they are not put at greater risk by a change in COVID-19 protections, despite the pandemic continuing to take a toll on our communities and public health system. -
Green Party supports allied health workers
The Green Party supports the 10,000 allied health workers who were due to strike today and calls on DHBs to do the right thing and make a decent pay offer. -
Income insurance scheme risks embedding a two-tier system
To benefit everyone, no matter their circumstances, the Government needs to put equity at the heart of income support, while also making urgent changes to the welfare system to free people from poverty.