Time to shut down failed Youth Justice Residences
The Green Party is calling for Youth Justice Residences to close, following a protest in which a group of young people spent the night on the roof of an Oranga Tamariki justice facility. -
Youth Policy
Vision We envisage Aotearoa New Zealand to be a place where young people feel valued, connected, loved, and empowered. Wherever we are, when we look around us, we have a sense of belonging, of hope. We are a part of this world. Values and Principles “Mana is the authority we inherit at birth and we accrue over our lifetime. It determines the right of a young person to have agency in their lives and the decisions that affect them.” The... -
Youth Parliamentarians pass motion declaring climate emergency
The 2019 Youth Parliament has declared a climate emergency via a motion in the Parliament. The motion was put forward by Chlöe Swarbrick’s youth MP Luke Wijohn, after concerted work from all Youth MPs in the Green Party caucus. Green spokesperson for Youth Chlöe Swarbrick said: “Our rangatahi are doing what some adults in this Parliament refuse to do – they’re recognising the need for urgent and immediate climate action. “It should be called what it... -
More Free Mental Health Support for Young People
The Green Party welcomes the expansion of free youth mental health support announced today, says Green Party mental health spokesperson Chlöe Swarbrick. “We understand that mental health services are in crisis and that we need urgent solutions grounded in communities. That’s why the Green Party made this a priority in our Confidence and Supply Agreement with the Labour Party,” Chlöe Swarbrick said. “For the last two years I’ve worked with dedicated advocates at Victoria University Students’ Association in their fight... -
Greens announce free counselling for young people
The Green Party in government will fund free counselling for all New Zealanders aged 25 and under as part of a $260 million youth mental health package. “Free counselling for any young person who wants to talk about the ups and downs they are experiencing with a trained professional will make a huge difference to people’s wellbeing,” Green Party leader James Shaw said today. “Everyone goes through ups and downs and as a society we can do more to recognise... -
NZ First putting politics before child protection
NZ First has chosen to put political game playing ahead of the safety of children by proposing a referendum on the ten year old amendments to the Crimes Act. NZ First MP Tracy Martin said on Q&A this morning that her Party wants to hold a binding referendum to repeal the 2007 amendment to section 59 of the Crimes Act. “I think it's appalling that NZ First is willing to remove a basic protection for our kids in the hope... -
Government must raise the age of youth justice
The Green Party is joining with youth, justice and disability groups in calling on the National Government to raise the age of youth justice to include 17-year-olds today, and help improve the lives of thousands of young people. A Government Bill before the House today will consider changes to the Child Youth and Family Act and has the ability to raise the age of youth justice from 16 to 17-year-olds. “Allowing 17-year-olds to be included in the youth justice system...