The Green Party welcomes the resignation of Grainne Moss as Chief Executive of Oranga Tamariki.
Green Party spokesperson for Children Jan Logie said today:
“I welcome Grainne Moss’ decision to leave the role.
“There is no denying that it is incredibly hard to come to the conclusion that it is time to step aside. For that Grainne should be acknowledged and commended.
“Grainne had lost the confidence of the community, particularly Māori. Her resignation now paves the way for this Māori leadership.
“We really look forward to seeing Māori leadership for this role. Oranga Tamariki deals with predominantly Tamariki Māori, therefore it is critical that the organisation be Māori-led.
“We have faith that the Public Service Commission will appoint the appropriate person.
“We must remember that Grainne’s appointment and work reflected a new approach to child protection that is embedded in legislation, and while leadership is critically important, Chief Executives are ultimately implementing government policy.
“If we want a future where all of our children are nurtured and safe, we need to do as the Children’s Commissioner has said and transfer power to Māori.
“We must centre the welfare of children. Especially Māori children who too frequently fall victim to a broken system, and are disproportionately taken away from māmā, pāpā, and whānau.”