Nau mai haere mai

Come join the Tāmaki Makaurau Green Party campaign for our calling day!

Join us at the Green Party office for an afternoon of kōrero, kai and phone calling voters.

We want to let as many people on the Māori roll know about the awesome mahi the Green Party has done, and the plans we have for a Government with a big Green heart at the centre of it, driven by Te Tiriti justice.

Please bring a device and a headset - headphones with a mic are perfect.

Full training will be provided and Darleen Tana will be there to have a korero with.

You are welcome to stay for as long or short as you'd like. 


If you have accessibility needs, please email [email protected] to ensure we can accommodate anything you need.


The office is wheelchair accessible and has a HEPA air filter. 

Please help us keep our people-powered campaign healthy – please do not attend if you are sick and regularly RAT ahead of events.

Thank you.