I see a future for Palmerston North where each person is welcome and has what they need to thrive. Where each one of us can live in a warm, safe, dry and affordable home. Where we’ve made the switch to clean energy and helped
solve the climate crisis. That’s the city and future I’m fighting for - will you pledge to vote me #1 this January? 

Previous Councils haven’t gone far enough to protect our rivers and climate, or to ensure everyone has access to safe and affordable homes and what they need to thrive. This means too many hard working people in our city
are unable to provide for themselves, their whānau and communities. At the same time, they’re worried about a climate crisis being created by wasteful consumerism and greed. Pledge to vote me #1 this January, and we can change that.

I’m calling for urgent local action on our housing crisis and our climate crisis. With better decisions at City Council, we can solve these challenges and more, creating our best possible future. I’m committed to being an accountable, future-focused
community representative, drawing on my experience studying and researching community health and wellbeing at Massey, as a Scouting New Zealand volunteer with national and international responsibility, and as a childcare

Your vote in this by-election will shape our city’s future. With the right leadership, we can all enjoy a future where everyone thrives. I need your support to make this happen - will you pledge to vote me #1 this January?