2020 election critical for people and planet

The Green Party has welcomed today’s announcement by the Prime Minister that the 2020 election date will be September 19.


“Knowing the date of the election gives New Zealanders plenty of time to think about the future they want for their kids and grandkids,” Green Party Co-Leader James Shaw said today.


“We’re looking forward to getting out into communities to share with people the things we’ve achieved in two years of government with just eight MPs.


We have a track record of change that we’re very proud of. We’ll be asking New Zealanders to think about how much further and faster we could go with just a few more Greens in government.


Marama Davidson said the Green Party is ready for the campaign: “We are looking forward to campaigning on our track record in Govt, and to winning a mandate to go further and faster to reduce emissions, protect nature, and ensure everyone has enough to thrive. 


“Climate change and inequality are at the forefront of political debate around the world and we look forward to a robust and honest debate about how we address these challenges.

“2020 will be a historic election which will see people vote on two referendums as well as their representatives in Parliament. We urge people to check their enrolment and make a plan to vote this year.