Take Action
Ditch the bootcamps - Sign the petition
Take ActionAnti Stalking Law Submission Guide
Keep whānau safe - make a submission on the Crimes Legislation (Stalking and Harassment) Amendment Bill today.
Take Action
Gender-Affirming Care is a Human Right
Submit on the Ministry of Health's consultation on Gender-Affirming care.
Take Action
Ditch the Bootcamps - Make a submission
Make a submission on the Oranga Tamariki (Responding to Serious Youth Offending) Amendment Bill. Help us call for an end to the Bootcamps.
Take Action
Treaty Principles Submission Guide
Make a unique submission on the Treaty Principles Bill.
Take Action
How to get involved - Treaty Principles
Information on how to make a submission, volunteer or run your own event.
Take Action
Submit for Climate Action
Submit today to ask the Government to commit to strong Climate Change targets.
Take Action
Say no to the Fast track bill - Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand
It’s obvious why New Zealanders are so proud of our natural world. Few places across the world possess such stunning natural environments and uniq...
Build Dunedin Hospital
Take our poll on how the Government should spend its money, and email Christopher Luxon telling him your thoughts.
Take Action
Protect te reo Māori
Sign our petition asking Minister Erica Stanford to keep prioritising the teaching of te reo Māori.
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Demand better for renters| Sign our open letter
Renters rise up! Sign our letter to tell Luxon we demand better for renters.
Take Action
Cut the Coal Petition | Join the movement
Fight back: Tell the government that coal mining is not our future.
Take Action
Protect Our Freshwater
Join our Green MPs in calling for the government to protect freshwater. Proposed changes to the Resource Management Act threaten New Zealand's...
Take Action
The Greens are proud to be driven by passionate people like you. Today we need your help to take action on the biggest issues facing Aotearoa.
Expand Voting
Now more than ever, young people in Aotearoa are impacted by Government decisions, and they deserve to have a say. We are calling on all Members of...
End Intensive Winter Grazing
Sign the petition to Labour Ministers, to move faster in bringing regulations into force and end intensive winter grazing.
Help not harm
Let's transform ACC to become an Agency of Comprehensive Care
When our friends and whānau have an accident or become unable to work, we want them t...
Take Action
Local Events
We have activists across Aotearoa / New Zealand who are working hard to build a brighter future for our kids and grandkids. This page lists upcomin...
Take Action