A comparison between the Green Party’s and Labour’s family support

Everyone will be better off under the Green Party’s plan.

Here are some examples of how the Green Party’s Income Guarantee compares to Labour’s announcement today. 

  • A single parent with two children who does a bit of part time casual work and earns $8,000 a year while also receiving Sole Parent Support will get $119 more through Working for Families changes as part of the Green Party Income Guarantee (and other additional support beyond this). In contrast, they won’t get anything from Labour’s changes to the In Work Tax Credit. 
  • A two parent family both earning the median wage and working a combined 60 hours a week, with three children will be $225 better off in 2024 under the Working for Families increases in Green Party Income Guarantee compared with only $25 from Labour’s changes to the In Work Tax Credit. 
  • A single parent with two children earning the median wage and working full-time will be $140 better off under the Working for Families increases in the Green Party’s Income Guarantee compared with only $25 from Labour’s changes to the In Work Tax Credit.  

“People will be much better off under the Green Party’s plan, and it will all be paid for by a simple and fair tax on the wealthiest few,” says the Green Party’s social development spokesperson, Ricardo Mendendez March. 

“It’s not up to politicians to rule policies in or out. If people want our plan, they should vote for it - because the more Green MPs we have, the more we can set the direction of the next government.

“The Green Party is the only party with a plan to make sure everyone gets the support they need to cover the weekly shop, pay the bills, and afford rent - and it’s all paid for from a fair tax system.  

“Right now, hundreds of thousands of people are struggling to cover things like food, rent, mortgage repayments, and power bills. The Green Party has always been clear that the most effective way to support people to cover the essentials is to boost incomes. 

“The Green Party’s Income Guarantee includes a family top up that will replace Working for Families with a single, simple payment for all families who need it and end the unfair discrimination of the In Work Tax Credit. It will provide parents or caregivers with up to $215 every week for the first child, and $135 a week for every other child.

“Poverty is a political choice. The Green Party is choosing to end it, rather than simply easing it a little. Our plan will provide lasting solutions that will guarantee everyone has what they need to live a good life and cover the essentials - even when times are tough,” says Ricardo Mendendez March. 

The Green Party’s tax calculator showing how much better off people will be under the Income Guarantee is available here.

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