The Green Party will opt-in to the voluntary 20% pay reduction for Ministers outlined by the Prime Minister today.
Green Party Co-leader James Shaw said today:
“We thought it was important that Green Ministers demonstrated that we are in this together, and there was unanimous support for us to opt-in to this reduction.
“We would like to make it clear that the Green Party have long had a policy that pegs the pay of parliamentary wages to the median wage.
“This means that no matter the circumstance, through the good and the bad, our pay reflects what is being experienced in the community. We do not think that pay should be pegged to the mood of the parliament of the day.
“We’ll continue to push for that model but in the meanwhile will be opting-in to this reduction across all of our Ministers. At this exceptionally challenging time it is the right thing to do.
“We are in unprecedented times and it is clear we need to send a signal that we are all in this together.
“We will work to ensure these cuts do not extend to those in public service on lower pay.
“It is those on higher incomes that must do the heavy lifting, so we are all equally playing our part”.