Another study finds TPPA benefits overstated

Yet another economic study has found the benefits of the TPPA have been overstated, the Green Party said today.

Ian Harrison, the lead economist at Tailrisk Economics has added his voice to a growing chorus of experts who are questioning the modelling and benefits of the TPPA trade agreement. Harrison has found that the total benefits of the TPPA to New Zealand’s economy are likely to be in the order of $135 million a year, or about .04 percent of GDP indicating that the Government’s figures are wrong. 

“Yet another credible economic study has found the benefits of the TPPA have been considerably overstated by the National Government,” said Green Party trade spokesperson, Kennedy Graham.

“The Government needs to come clean about what the actual benefits of the TPPA are likely to be and the significant trade-offs we’re making to secure them.

“Parliament needs a new, independent National Interest Analysis before it votes to implement the TPPA.

“It’s time to reassess a trade agreement negotiated in secret, supported by unreliable numbers, and not supported across Parliament or the country.”

Garbage in, garbage out: A review of the modelling of the benefits of the TPPA:

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