Today, on International Human Rights Day, the Green Party is calling on the Government to discontinue talks on an extradition treaty with China.
Today, on International Human Rights Day, the Green Party is calling on the Government to discontinue talks on an extradition treaty with China.
On Monday, it emerged the Government was looking at a possible extradition treaty with China; a country with well documented human rights abuses including torture to extract confession, arbitrary detention and the use of the death penalty as a form of punishment.
“We should never agree to an extradition treaty that could result in human rights abuses including the death penalty,” said Green Party human rights spokesperson Catherine Delahunty.
“The reality of it is, if we started sending people back to China, we cannot control what happens to them, even if assurances are given.
“Many prisoners and their families simply disappear into the system and are never heard from again.
“The Government needs to start prioritising human rights over trade.
“The issue is timely. There is currently a Chinese extradition case before the Minister relating to a man who has been detained without charge in New Zealand.
“If we cannot get human rights here in New Zealand, how are we going to hold the Chinese to account?
"New Zealand can be in breach of our obligations under the United Nations Convention Against Torture if we do allow extradition to China, where a prisoner can face the risk of torture.
“We need John Key to start taking human rights seriously and be open and honest about these extradition talks,” said Ms Delahunty.