The Green Party is deeply disappointed to see the Births, Deaths, Marriages and Relationships Registration Bill delayed after going through the Select Committee process.
The Green Party is deeply disappointed to see the Births, Deaths, Marriages and Relationships Registration Bill delayed after going through the Select Committee process.
“We unequivocally support our trans, non-binary and other rainbow communities,” says Jan Logie, Green Party spokesperson on rainbow issues.
“The proposed amendments to correcting a person’s birth certificate are in line with what already happens for passports and driver licences. They represent a small, procedural change that would make a huge difference in the lives of some of our most marginalized people.
“The Green Party is keen to support the Minister responsible for the bill to ensure that progress is made this term.
“We encourage the Minister to listen to the most important stakeholders on this issue: trans and non-binary people, their families, and human rights advocates”.