Today, Green Party MP Dr Elizabeth Kerekere received her COVID-19 vaccination from Tamaiti Whāngai COVID-19 vaccination centre, which had its official opening yesterday.
“As the Health spokesperson for the Green Party, I was really humbled to get my first vaccination against COVID-19 today,” says Green Party spokesperson for Health Dr Elizabeth Kerekere.
“I am one of many Māori with underlying health conditions. And because I have low immunity, my GP has advised the vaccine will likely make me feel a bit sick for a day or two, but then I am protected against a deadly, harmful virus that has ravaged communities around the world.
“I’d like to acknowledge how fortunate I am to receive my vaccination alongside Te Atiawa iwi and Kaumatua.
“This vaccine is safe. It will save lives. I urge every whānau to get it as soon as it becomes available to them to protect our whakapapa.
“Our strength against COVID-19 and any mutations relies heavily on quick and timely community vaccination. Together we can tackle it."