Kia ora tātou kātoa. Ngā mihi maioha ki a koutou Te Roopu Kakariki, ngā kaitautoko, e aroha ana I te kaupapa mo te taiao me te mokopuna. No reira tena koutou, tena koutou, tena koutou katoa.
I am so proud to be standing here tonight, at the end of an incredible campaign.
First I want to congratulate Jacinda Ardern and her team for an extraordinary win!
We have worked productively with Labour this term to get outcomes for our community and our planet and we are really excited to talk about how we progress that this next term. Results show how much New Zealanders want a strong truly progressive government.
For the Green Party, James and I, and all of our wonderful Green MPs, are beyond thrilled to be able to say: we did it!
This success is all of ours to share. There are of course some huge thank-yous that James will cover on our behalf.
I personally want to thank my whānau.
I turn to our supporters. Those of you who thought ahead, so we can create an Aotearoa we are proud to pass on.
I want to thank those advocacy groups who have been on the frontline of the important issues that matter.
Your scorecards called political parties to account on our policies across health, housing, justice, workers rights, climate, child poverty, the environment, rainbow rights and animal rights.
I am PROUD that the Greens came out on top across ALL of the policy scorecards on those issues!
Because we know we can have an Aotearoa where everyone has what they need, and where we take action to protect our precious planet, and environment, for future generations.
Thank you for standing up for people, and our planet, when you cast your vote this year.
I need to make special mention of the team running my Tāmaki Makarau campaign.
I was SO proud to straight up ask for your candidate vote! I am honoured to be part of the collective of wāhine Māori who have the enduring solutions to all of the challenges that we bear the brunt impact of. I will continue to work hard for you ALL in Tamaki Makaurau.
My utmost congratulations to my tungane, Peeni Henare
The Green Party has made our priorities very clear.
This election needed to be a contest of ideas, so that is what the Greens provided.
Big, bold, transformational policies, which step away from the status quo, which we know isn’t working for too many of us.
And now – thanks to your support – we have the best possible chance at getting these policies over the line.
So before I pass on to James – I want to say, once more for the people in the back:
Thank you.