Free prescriptions important step forward

The Green Party is today welcoming free prescriptions.

“There should be no barriers to anyone accessing the healthcare they need. Often, prescription costs are a significant barrier to care, and a driver for people not accessing medicines that are critical to their wellbeing,” says Green Party health spokesperson Ricardo Menéndez March.

“Five dollars may not seem like much, but for many households it is another unavoidable added cost on top of food and rent.

“Without regular treatment for chronic conditions such as diabetes, and heart conditions there can be disastrous outcomes.

“We’re pleased the Government will be removing this significant barrier for people on low incomes.

“Health also relies on the health of whole communities, housing standards, and access to good food.

“We urge the Government to go further and remove all cost barriers to accessing healthcare including dental, pay our nurses more, and increase incomes so everyone can access care when they need it,” says Ricardo Menéndez March.

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