Government hits massive milestone in Violence Prevention & Elimination

Minister for Family and Sexual Violence Marama Davidson announced a major milestone at a hui in South Auckland today, with the launch of the national engagement process on the prevention and elimination of family and sexual violence.

“There is no room for violence in our lives – there is no place for family violence or sexual violence in our whānau at all – I have always and will always take a whanau-led approach which is why we are all gathered here ahead of discussions across the motu,” Marama Davidson said at Ngā Whare Marae.

“We know that violence can happen across all communities – no community is excepted. It’s a priority for me to increase work that will make the most difference – this means bolstering prevention activities to stop violence happening in the first place and wrap around services for those using violence to stop.”

Marama Davidson was clear about the engagement process opening up a safe and trusted space for all voices of the community, particularly those with lived experience to be listened to and learnt from prior to the creation of the National Strategy and Action Plans.

Wahine Māori are still disproportionately represented according to the data. More than 1 in 2 are survivors of family and/or sexual violence.

“It is essential given the evidence, that the Māori leadership, Te Ao Māori thinking and inclusive Te Tiriti framework – plays a pivotal part in transforming the system and is right at the forefront.”

The Minister particularly acknowledged Interim Te Rōpū who produced the Te Hau Tangata resource in the engagement invitation pack, the current leadership in the communities, and the widely respected research that has a whakapapa spanning decades.

“This has all contributed to getting us as a country to this place – I know we are ready to take action together.”

The engagement will officially begin on Wednesday 12 May and run until the end of June.

It includes closed invitation community-led hui, anonymous online survey engagement, email and free-post submissions (in writing, by voice or video).  All online and email channels will be safe, secure and confidential.

Independent expert advisors have been engaged by the government to oversee the handling of the insight evidence to ensure it is confidential and retains its integrity.

The Government’s integrated approach to addressing violence involves 10 agencies that have come together in a Joint Venture.

Visit for more information.


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