The Green Party is calling on the Government to broaden the focus of its inquiry into KiwiRail, after widespread disruption in Auckland.
“It is crucial that we give people access to reliable, affordable, low-carbon alternatives to cars. Continued issues with the rail network across the motu will only push people back into their cars,” says Green Party transport spokesperson Julie Anne Genter.
“We’re pleased that the Minister acted quickly to announce a review into KiwiRail after significant failures in the Wellington region.
“But, it’s really clear that Auckland is also facing significant challenges and service failures.
“It’s important then that the focus is broadened to specific disruptions in Auckland to ensure that those living there are also able to access reliable services.
“The Greens are clear that a much more ambitious programme is needed to modernise our rail network, including more electrification, realignments to allow for faster speeds, and the extension of services to other cities across the country.
“New Zealand was once a country with frequent, affordable bus and train services joined up right across the country - even to very rural areas. We can connect our communities and safeguard our climate.
“All it takes is political will. Only more Green MPs in Parliament will deliver this,” says Julie Anne Genter.