Government turning its back on working people

The Green Party stands with unions and working people in defense of Fair Pay Agreements.

“Fair Payment Agreements would have put more money in the pockets of people teaching our mokopuna, keeping our hospitals  clean and safe, stocking the supermarket shelves, and getting us around on the bus. It takes a particularly cruel government to turn its back on the people who do so much for our communities,” says the Green Party’s workplace relations spokesperson, Teanau Tuiono.

“There are thousands of people who today will be forced to work two or three jobs just to make ends meet. Fair Payment Agreements would have provided a lifeline, ensuring everyone was paid enough to support their families, pay the bills, and put a roof over their heads.

“What does it say about a government’s values that one of the first things it does is deny cleaners, early childhood teachers, bus drivers, and security guards their best shot in decades of being paid what they deserve? 

“The Government is basically telling them to make do with what they’ve got, even as they continue to struggle to pay the rent and feed the kids; that their wellbeing is less important than profit of big business. The Government’s own analysis shows that ripping up Fair Payment Agreements will disproportionately harm young people, women, Māori and Pasifika.

“For years, wages have been kept below productivity increases by businesses all over the country. More and more people now have to work longer in order to make ends meet. 

“National, Act and New Zealand First know full well that they are sacrificing the wellbeing of working people on the altar of profit for the wealthy few - and the Greens will fight them every step of the way,” says Teanau Tuiono. 

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