National is playing politics with New Zealanders’ holidays by proposing to liberalise Easter Sunday trading laws while they are on the back foot with their own proposed health and safety laws in tatters.
National is playing politics with New Zealanders’ holidays by proposing to liberalise Easter Sunday trading laws while they are on the back foot with their own proposed health and safety laws in tatters.
“The Government knows New Zealanders think their health and safety laws are a joke. Changing Easter Sunday trading laws is a cynical attempt to divert attention away from this mess,” said Green Party industrial relations spokesperson Denise Roche.
“The exemption of worker representation from plainly high risk workplaces like farming and quarrying while mini golf is included is a huge embarrassment for the Government so they are trying to move the story on.
“National is hoping for a miracle with this Easter Sunday diversion. It is very cynical politics.
“This is a deeply undemocratic move. There have been a number of attempts to change Easter Sunday trading laws in recent years and all have failed on a conscience vote.
“National is now looking to ram changes through as a Government vote and force MPs, like Bill English, to vote for Easter trading even though it is against their conscience.
"New Zealand's shopping laws are already among the most deregulated in the world.
"Retail workers in New Zealand can expect upwards of 350 days that they may be required to work and Easter is one of the few times they get a small break.
“The claim that workers can say no to working on Easter Sunday is hollow. Many workers are simply not in a position to say no and will be forced to work even if they don’t want to.”