The National Government can and should reduce New Zealand’s greenhouse gas pollution rather than exploit ‘creative accounting’ in order to meet its climate targets, the Green Party said today.
Mr Shaw was responding to the Climate Action Tracker report undertaken by four independent European research organisations: Climate Analytics, Ecofys, NewClimate Institute and the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research. It has developed a method to measure the fairness of governmental climate action efforts.
“It looks as though the National Government intends for New Zealand to freeload off the climate action of other countries,” said Green Party Co-leader James Shaw.
“The international report says that while most other governments intend cutting emissions, New Zealand may not have to take any action at all to meet either its 2020 or 2030 targets because it can hide emissions increases through ‘creative accounting’.
“The National Government should rule out using creative accounting to hide emissions increases, and develop a plan for how New Zealand will actually reduce our greenhouse gas pollution.
“The Government can implement policies that are good for the climate and good for New Zealand. For example, the Government can begin work on the Central Rail Link in Auckland, which will reduce carbon pollution and get Auckland moving again.
“The National Government needs to stop being part of the climate problem and start being part of the climate solution.”
Recent estimates show that New Zealand’s net emissions have risen 13 percent since National came to power in 2008.
Climate Action Tracker analysis: