The Green Party will be abstaining on the Returning Offenders (Management and Information) Bill.
The Green Party will be abstaining on the Returning Offenders (Management and Information) Bill.
“While we recognise the need for legislation to cater for the deportees returning to New Zealand, we do not believe the Government has gone about this the right way,” said Green Party Co-leader Metiria Turei.
“The Government has had months to deal with this issue and yet have chosen to push through legislation under urgency with no public consultation.
“David Clendon, our justice spokesperson, asked for a meeting with the Minister of Justice to talk about returning offenders in July. This offer was rejected.
“Even after the Christchurch earthquake, there was a Select Committee hearing, and that was a national emergency. This is not a national emergency, so it is unacceptable that there is no public submission period.
“Therefore, under these circumstances, the Green Party will be abstaining on this Bill,” said Ms Turei.