The Green Party applauds Countdown’s initiative to support free-range and barn egg farmers and urges other supermarkets to follow suit.
The Green Party applauds Countdown’s initiative to support free-range and barn egg farmers and urges other supermarkets to follow suit.
Countdown is putting in place plans with farmers to increase the availability of the free range and barn eggs by committing to long term supply agreements.
“It is fantastic to see a major supermarket company commit to supporting free range egg farmers and giving them the confidence to invest in expanding their operations in order to increase the supply of free range eggs,” Green Party animal welfare spokesperson Mojo Mathers said.
“The Green Party supports any initiative that sends a clear message to egg producers about the future of egg production in Aotearoa.
“The future of egg production in Aotearoa is free range and barn, not the hyped up colony cages.
“Cruel eggs are stink whether they are from battery cages or colony cages.
“Consumer demand for free range eggs is steadily increasing, and Countdown has recognised this.
“In order to invest millions of dollars in expanding free range systems, farmers need confidence that there is a market for their eggs.
“This market security is what the Countdown Egg Producers programme provides and we look forward to seeing it expand,” Ms Mathers said.