The Green Party is committed to working with Labour to change the government this September.
The Green Party is committed to working with Labour to change the government this September.
“Our relationship will continue to be sound now that Jacinda Ardern has assumed leadership of the Labour Party, and our congratulations goes out to her and new deputy leader, Kelvin Davis. Our goal remains the same – to change the government this September, and we’re looking forward to working together to achieve this,” said Green Party Co-leader Metiria Turei.
“Andrew Little has spent the last two and a half years standing up for all New Zealanders, working to bridge the gap between rich and poor, and to call out the National Government’s many failures. We thank him for that.
“What’s important now is that we show New Zealanders we have answers to the problems we face as a nation; homelessness, families struggling to get by, climate change, and dirty rivers and lakes. These are problems National has failed to address or solve – it’s time to change the government,” said Mrs Turei.