Green Party congratulates Landcorp for ditching PKE

The Green Party congratulates Landcorp for making the responsible and environmentally sound decision to stop using palm kernel extract (PKE) on its farms.

The Green Party congratulates Landcorp for making the responsible and environmentally sound decision to stop using palm kernel extract (PKE) on its farms.


PKE is a product of the palm oil industry, which involves clearing large areas of rainforest in Indonesia and Malaysia to grow palms. It is used as a supplementary feed for stock on farms.


New Zealand imported a record 1.95 million tonnes of PKE in the year to June 2015.


“Importing massive amounts of PKE undermines our priceless clean, green, 100% Pure brand,” said Green Party primary industries spokesperson Eugenie Sage.


“PKE production destroys rainforests, and also impacts New Zealand’s environment by enabling dairy intensification. More intensive farming leads to higher climate-damaging greenhouse gas emissions and poorer water quality.


“Landcorp’s decision signals a welcome shift to a more sustainable farming model and a recognition of the major flaws of ever-increasing dairy intensification, for both the environment and farm profitability.


“The intensification model and the focus on maximising production has created what a former Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment described as ‘financially and environmentally brittle’ farming systems. 


“We need to be less focused on squeezing more and more cows on the same bit of land, and more focused on sustainable farming and extracting a price premium for our products. Landcorp’s decision is a step towards this and we call on Fonterra to encourage its suppliers to follow suit.


“The Green Party has been calling on Government to take leadership on this issue for many years, so we’re delighted Landcorp has made this decision,” said Ms Sage.