The Green Party is encouraging New Zealanders to vote for the flag that they want to represent New Zealand in the upcoming flag referendum.
The Green Party is encouraging New Zealanders to vote for the flag that they want to represent New Zealand in the upcoming flag referendum.
Voting starts this week in the second referendum to choose between the current flag and the Kyle Lockwood blue and black fern design.
“New Zealanders who want to vote in the referendum this week should feel free to vote for the flag they really feel best represents New Zealand,” Green Party Co-leader James Shaw said.
“The Prime Minister was incorrect this morning to say that we’d told people how to vote. Unlike the Prime Minister, we’ve never said people will be ‘disappointed’ if they vote for one flag over the other.
“The Green Party has never told our supporters which way to vote. Our message to all New Zealanders today is, if you like the blue and black silver fern design, then go for it. If you prefer the current New Zealand flag, then vote for that one.
“The Prime Minister is resorting to blaming others for the fact that his attempts to change the flag seem to be failing.
“I’ve always been transparent with the media when asked about my personal views. I would like to change the flag, but my personal view is that the alternative on offer doesn’t sufficiently represent who we are as a nation, nor meet basic flag design principles. There were many designs that didn’t make the short-list that I would have voted for.
“When people get their voting papers later this week, they should vote with their hearts and as they want,” said Mr Shaw.