The Green Party’s thoughts and condolences are with people of Vanuatu who have been affected by Cyclone Pam, and believes this must serve as a wakeup call for action on climate change.
The Green Party’s thoughts and condolences are with people of Vanuatu who have been affected by Cyclone Pam, and believes this must serve as a wakeup call for action on climate change.
“Our sympathies are with the friends and families of those who have lost loved one in this disaster,” said Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman.
“Our thoughts are also with the wider Vanuatu community in New Zealand and abroad. We hope you have been able to contact your loved ones and be assured of their safety.
“We echo the concerns of the Security General of the United Nations, Ban Ki Moon, who said on Saturday that climate change is making extreme weather the new ‘normal’.
“Rachel Kyte, World Bank vice president and special envoy for climate change, has called out governments whose polices don’t reflect the urgency which is needed to act on climate change.
“Helen Clark has stated that we need action on a global level if we are to build resilience.
“While solidarity and post-disaster assistance are important, we must remember that it only goes so far if governments are not willing to proactively work on climate change.
“New Zealand needs to think about how we can help the Vanuatu community in the longer term.
“We want the people of Vanuatu be able to live their lives without the constant fear and threat of climate change related disasters.
“The Green Party would also like to see the Government use this opportunity to develop a strategy around climate refugees and help the people of Vanuatu,” said Dr Norman.