Green Party launches plan for cleaner, cheaper, smarter energy

The Green Party today launched its plan for cleaner, cheaper, smarter energy with a target of reaching 100 percent renewable generation by 2030. 

The plan is the final component of the Party’s economic priority this election: smart green innovation. 

The key policy points in the Green Party’s plan for clean energy are:

  1.  Establishing a target of 100 percent renewable electricity generation by 2030.
  2. Reducing families’ power bills by around $300 per year through the introduction of New Zealand Power and providing low-cost loans to enable households and schools to invest in solar panels to enjoy free, sustainable power for decades.
  3. Speeding the transition of the private vehicle fleet to electricity by investing $10 million into the roll-out of fast-charging electric car refuelling stations across New Zealand and $10 million in cash-back payments to electric car buyers and over time, we will replace the Crown car fleet with electric vehicles over time where there are appropriate electric vehicles available.
  4. Better enabling energy conservation and distributed generation through smart grid initiatives including real time electricity pricing, limited fixed lines charges, and a fair price for surplus renewable electricity.

“We have a plan to deliver New Zealanders smarter, cheaper and cleaner power,” said Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman.

“National is taking New Zealand down a pathway of dirty energy and rising electricity prices. Three more years of National will make this worse.

“National is subsidising big foreign oil by $46 million per year, and power prices have gone up 27 percent since 2008 despite a 2.6 percent fall in residential demand. National are actually standing in the way of our clean energy future.

“We can achieve a 100 percent renewable electricity sector by 2030. The Green Party will ensure this happens through the New Zealand Energy Strategy along with implementing a suite of complementary measures to support this goal.

“100 percent renewable energy will strengthen our clean green brand as well as reducing our carbon emissions.

“A strong price on carbon and a new Green Investment Bank will help to direct capital away from dirty energy into clean energy generation.

“New Zealand has had the fifth-largest increase in power prices in real terms among the 34 OECD countries in the past 20 years. Put simply, we are paying far more for our electricity than it actually costs to produce.

“Establishing a single buyer for consumers – New Zealand Power – will drive down retail prices saving families $300 per year on their power bills.

“Our previously announced Solar Homes and Solar Schools packages will make it easy for homes and schools to become their own clean energy power generators making use of freely available clean energy from the sun.

“We’ll speed up the adoption of electric cars by investing $10 million in the roll-out of 30 minute fast-charging stations across the country, extending the range and usability of electric cars.

“Reducing our vehicle fleets’ reliance on foreign imported oil is good for our economy as well as our environment. It is also great for car owners who will save on petrol bills over the life of the car. 

“Prices for electric cars are falling, the number of models on offer is increasing, and the useful range of electric vehicles is now at least three times the average 33km daily vehicle trip distance travelled per person in New Zealand.

“To help spur the uptake of electric cars in New Zealand, we will offer a $1,000 cash back payment to the first 10,000 New Zealand-new electric vehicles sold, costing $10 million.

“We’ll lead by example and switch the Crown fleet to electric cars over time where there are appropriate electric vehicles available.

“Leading the innovation and adoption of a smart grid will enable all this to happen, putting the power back in the hands of New Zealanders.

“We have the best cards in the pack.  We have the natural resources, the people, the intellect and the know-how, and the Green Party will provide the political leadership.”

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