“Kua hinga te whatukura o Ngāti Porou. Kua hinga he rangatira mīharo rawa atu o Te Āo Māori, o Aotearoa hoki. E rere haere ana ngā mihi aroha o Te Rōpū Kākāriki ki te whānau pani me ngā uri katoa o Ngāti Porou e tangi ana i tēnēi wā pouri.”
The Green Party is saddened by the death of Dr Apirana Mahuika and extends its love and condolences to his whanau and the Ngati Porou people.
“Dr Mahuika was a formidable leader, who was always very gracious,” said Green Party Co-leader Metiria Turei.
“He was strong and stubborn but always respectful. He challenged my views and I challenged him back.”
Dr Mahuika was a bastion of Ngati Porou leadership, and a Treaty of Waitangi scholar. In October he was lauded by Police Commissioner Mike Bush for the "significant work he has undertaken to ensure NZ Police upholds their commitment to Maori and the Treaty".
“Dr Mahuika was open to embracing new and innovative ideas – including green ideas -- if they were for the betterment of his people,” said Mrs Turei.
“He showed a real interest in not only the Maori economy but also how a Maori economy could benefit from a green economy.
“Nō reira, e te Rangatira, e Api, takoto mai rā, takoto mai rā, takoto mai rā. Ā tō wā, hoki atu ki ngā ringaringa o ōu mātua tūpuna.”