The Green Party is deeply saddened by the passing of Archbishop William Brown Turei ONZM (Ngāti Porou), who served as the Bishop of Aotearoa – the Tikanga Māori Archbishop and Primate of the Anglican Church in New Zealand, Aotearoa and Polynesia.
Tiwhatiwha te pō, tiwhatiwha te ao. He rā pouri, he pō kerikeri. Ka iri te kapua pouri i runga a Hikurangi maunga me ngā riu o Te Tairāwhiti.
Ka tangi ana te ngākau o Te Rōpū Kākāriki nā te hinga o tēnei rangatira whakahirahira rawa atu o te motu. Ka tuku ngā mihi aroha mutunga kore o mātou ki te whānau pani, ki Te Tairāwhiti me te Hāhi Mihinare.
The Green Party is deeply saddened by the passing of Archbishop William Brown Turei ONZM (Ngāti Porou), who served as the Bishop of Aotearoa – the Tikanga Māori Archbishop and Primate of the Anglican Church in New Zealand, Aotearoa and Polynesia.
"Te Āo Māori and the Anglican faith have today lost one of their greatest leaders," said Green Party Co-leader Metiria Turei.
"As Bishop of Te Tairāwhiti since 1992, having previously served as Archdeacon of Te Tairāwhiti, Bishop Turei was a central pillar and bastion of the Māori communities on the East Coast.
"Bishop Turei always exuded huge warmth, love and kindness whenever I had the pleasure of meeting him and he brought these qualities to his national leadership role.
“He was the most gracious and humble of leaders and brought huge mana and respect to the Anglican Church throughout Te Ao Māori. Even when recognised in the 2016 New Year honours list as an Officer of the New Zealand Order of Merit he said it was not he, but his communities, who deserved it.
“Bishop Turei was someone who brought people together and fostered unity and goodwill between Aotearoa’s diverse cultures.
“I extend our condolences and love to his widow Mihi, the whānau pani, to the hapū and iwi of Te Tairāwhiti and to the Anglican Church across the country,” said Ms Turei.
Ki a koe e te Pīhopa, takoto mai, takoto mai, takoto mai rā. Kātahi ka haere koe ki te korowai o Ranginui kia whetūrangitia – mā te Atua koe hei manaaki.