The Green Party wishes to express sadness at the death of renowned Coromandel conservationist and craftsperson Barry Brickell, whose unique miniature railway and potteries are iconic features of the Coromandel Peninsula.
“I have known Barry for 42 years and have been privileged to witness his extraordinary creative drive both as a master potter and as the creator of one of the best eco-tourism experiences in this country. His voice and his vision will be hugely missed but never forgotten,” said Coromandel-based Green Party MP Catherine Delahunty.
“By restoring native forest at Driving Creek, Barry created a shining example of conservation that is accessible to all, and also generated employment for the Coromandel community. It showed how one person's vision and astonishing work ethic can make dreams real.
“Barry’s pottery and sculpture is world famous due to its powerful simplicity and ability to retain the essence of the natural materials.
“Barry has been a strong voice for protecting the environment and in his last days was encouraging us to support his vision of a pier in Coromandel harbour, rather than a marina which could disturb the contaminated mud from historical gold mining,” Ms Delahunty said.
The Green Party sends its respects and commiserations to Barry's family and to his wider community at Driving Creek.