The Green Party is today releasing its Medically-Assisted Dying policy.
“Adults with a terminal illness should have the right to choose a medically assisted death,” Green Party health spokesperson Kevin Hague said.
“The Green Party does not support extending assisted dying to people who aren't terminally ill because we can’t be confident that this won't further marginalise the lives of people with disabilities.
“This policy outlines the medical and ethical safeguards that need to be put in place to ensure that people who choose a medically-assisted death are making that choice freely and of their own accord.
“This policy also provides for much better resourcing of palliative care: people who are dying need access to effective palliative care services as well as the choice to die with dignity.
“I am pleased that one of my final acts as an MP and health spokesperson is to launch this policy, which will allow people to choose to die with dignity,” Mr Hague said.