The Green Party Caucus has officially assigned the Mental Health portfolio permanently from Julie Anne Genter to Chlöe Swarbrick.
The Green Party Caucus has officially assigned the Mental Health portfolio permanently from Julie Anne Genter to Chlöe Swarbrick.
Green Co-leaders Marama Davidson announced and welcomed the move today.
“Chlöe has been working with communities around the country that are affected by a lack of accessible community mental health services. The Green Party has a commitment from the coalition Government for high quality and timely mental health services, and Chlöe will be championing this issue for us” Marama Davidson said.
“Chlöe has also been incredibly brave in speaking up about her lived experience of mental health, and brings a unique perspective to the portfolio. She will be a great asset to the campaign for better mental health services in this country.
“Chlöe has proven her competency time and again in important portfolios that affect Aotearoa, whether it be advocating for drug law reform or more equitable access to democracy for people with disabilities,” Marama Davidson said. “Adding the mental health portfolio to her area of responsibility means she has more scope to lead on this important issue.”
Green MP Chlöe Swarbrick said:
“I am stoked, with Julie Anne’s blessing, to have been assigned the mental health portfolio by the Green Caucus.
“It has become clear in recent months that we need someone outside the executive to advocate for better services and ensure that mental health funding, structural sustainability and cultural change is strongly advocated for both within Government and out in the community.
“I will do this at the grassroots and at the decision making table, and will ensure our Government delivers on the Confidence and Supply Agreement for high quality mental health services, including free counselling for under 25s.
“I look forward to continuing work with the sector and will give everything I’ve got to ensure we’re improving the wellbeing of New Zealanders across this country, and that the requisite level of scrutiny and advocacy is brought to empower services mandated to literally save lives.”
Green MP Julie Anne Genter said:
“I’m thrilled that Chlöe has taken on this portfolio and trust she will do great work in the space.”