Green Party thrilled to announce initial 2017 party list

The Green Party has today released its initial party list for the 2017 election – and it includes a mix of fresh new talent and experienced hands, Co-leader James Shaw said.

The initial list has been put together by delegates and candidates who attended the Party’s February candidates’ conference. Delegates were able to put candidates through their paces and evaluate their performance. The initial list now goes to party members nationwide to vote on. The Green Party uses STV voting.

“The Green Party is entering the 2017 race with our strongest group of candidates ever,” said Mr Shaw.

“Our current MPs, combined with new faces, represent the best of New Zealand. They are dedicated and experienced leaders from diverse backgrounds, and together will help make Aotearoa truly great.

“I am delighted that we have very strong representation from throughout the country, including Auckland. And with two candidates in their twenties in our top 20, we will be a very strong voice for young people.

“We have the most democratic list selection process out of the major parties and are proud of the high level of involvement our members have. In the Green Party it is the members who decide our party list,” said Mr Shaw.

Voting papers will be sent to party members on 20 April, and the final list will be announced at the end of May.

2017 Initial Green Party election list


1    Metiria Turei

2    James Shaw

3    Marama Davidson

4    Julie Anne Genter

5    Eugenie Sage

6    Gareth Hughes

7    Jan Logie

8    Kennedy Graham

9    Chloe Swarbrick

10  Golriz Ghahraman 

11  Mojo Mathers

12  Barry Coates

13  Jack McDonald

14  John Hart

15  Denise Roche

16  David Clendon

17  Hayley Holt

18  Teall Crossen

19  Teanau Tuiono

20  Leilani Tamu

21  Matt Lawrey

22  Chris Perley

23  Ricardo Menendez-March

24  Susanne Ruthven

25  Julie Zhu

26  Richard Leckinger

27  Thomas Nash

28  Sam Taylor

29  Kate Fulton

30  Tane Woodley

31  Jo Wrigley

32  Ash Holwell

33  Stefan Grand-Meyer

34  Robin McCandless

35  Niki Bould

36  Shane Gallagher

37  Scott Summerfield

38  Rochelle Surendran

39  Bridget Walsh

40  Rachael Goldsmith

41  Patrick Wall

42  James Goodhue

43  Richard Wesley

44  Guy Hunt