The Green Party tautoko the Government proactively releasing Cabinet papers to ensure and openness and accessibility, but will work to go even further.
The Green Party tautoko the Government proactively releasing Cabinet papers to ensure and openness and accessibility, but will work to go even further.
“The Green Party have always strongly advocated for open and accessible Government. It’s a commitment in our Confidence and Supply Agreement, so we are pleased the Government is delivering”, Green spokesperson for Open and Accessible Government, Chlöe Swarbrick said today.
“New Zealanders deserve to know what has been decided by Government in a timely manner.
“For far too long what went on behind closed doors in the Beehive has been hidden from public view. We’ve worked to change that, opening up Green Minister diaries and continuing to advocate for openness and honesty.
“When it comes to transparency in Government, we believe we can go further; we welcome releasing cabinet papers, but will work effectively with Government to ensure that when decisions to withhold cabinet papers occur, that is requisitely staunchly scrutinised. We also want to see OIA reform, to strengthen the capacity for the public to access information”.